Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy First Birthday Sophia

Well it's finally here... my sweet little baby is ONE! Here is a photo of Sophia one year ago today!

December 16, 2008

December 16, 2009

This morning we woke Sophia up with a tradition that my parents started with me... Captain Zoom! We went into her room, turned on the song, and began singing and dancing. She just stared at us like we were crazy! Then she started to play with us too. After breakfast she played for just a few minutes before heading to Mammaw's for the day. I just love this cute cupcake shirt that I got her for her birthday outfit.

After school got out, I went and picked up my little toddler (weird to not call her a baby) and she was dressed in an adorable little dress to go and see Santa! We all thought for sure that she would scream and cry, but she surprised us all by just sitting and staring, not quite understanding what was happening. IT WAS ADORABLE!!!

Santa and Sophia
Christmas 2009

After our pictures with Santa, Grandma took us to dinner for Sophia's birthday!
Thank you Grandma, we missed you OGO (Oh Grand One, Grandpa) he is in London for work!

Now onto more about sweet, sweet Sophia!
At one year you:

  • still sleep great, we are very blessed
  • wear a size 3 diaper, 12 month and 12-18 month clothes, but some clothes are still 9 month clothes
  • are walking everywhere and we can barely keep up with you!
  • love clapping, playing patty cake, singing songs, reading books, dancing
  • playing with your purses (yes plural) shoes, Little People, books, baby gate, in your closet, dog bowls, cabinets, and pretty much everything you can get into
  • are no longer eating baby food, but ALL table foods. You love chicken nuggets, fruits, crackers, breads, a few veggies, cookies, anything on Mommy's plate, ice-cream, and you loved your first cake
  • still have about 4 bottles a day, which I am hoping to switch you to sippee cups over the Christmas break, but still keep you on formula to continue getting you the nutrients you need to grow strong and healthy
  • have a couple of words, however they may not sound exactly like we say them
  • doggie, dada, this, and occasionally mama (if you listen closely)
You continue to amaze me everyday. You learn something new, your eyes light up, and you giggle and laugh at yourself. You continuously teach me something new about myself and you everyday. I thank God everyday for the gift of being a mother, your mother, I am truly blessed to have you in my life. I can't imagine my life any other way. You light up when I walk in the room, my heart feels warm when I wake you up every morning, and every night when I put you to bed. You are the best part of me, and I only hope and pray that you will always feel the love that I have for you. I try to think of you at 2, 5, and 16 and I know that I will love you the same then as I do now. I just know that my love for you will never die and I hope that you will always know what a blessing you are to me, to your Dad, and your Grandparents and Uncles. We love you more than the world is round and the sun is bright! (One day you will understand where that comes from)
Mommy and Daddy

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