Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

**********************Beware super long post ***********************

So there is soooo much to write about for Memorial Day weekend.  Friday we headed out to my parents lake house and went to dinner with my parents and my cousin and his family.  Tyler, his wife Jaime, and their 6 month old son Nolan were in town for their first family vacation.  After dinner we got back and my other cousin, Matt, his wife Claudia and their 4 month old son, Aaron came to visit.  We had so much fun playing with the little ones.  Sophia really enjoyed the boys and also LOVED playing mommy with her babies.


Sweet Baby Nolan


Sweet Aaron


The boys and Sophia’s baby.  She told me that the babies sit on the quilt.


Sophia playing with Aaron


Sweet Sweet Sophia… such a good little Mommy… I know she is going to be a great  BIG SISTER!!


Saturday, Honey and Pops came, we hung around, made a yummy breakfast, went on several golf cart rides, which entail turtle hunts this time of year (don’t worry we don’t hurt them we just search for them,)  spent several hours in the pool, Sophia and Honey planted flowers, ate a yummy dinner, played and had bath time with Sophia and Nolan.  I didn’t think that I would be able to do two kiddos but after watching Nolan for a bit so Tyler and Jaime could pack, I know I am ready.




Tyler and baby Nolan


Sophia and Honey planting her Mickey Mouse Zinnias

Sunday was a wonderful lazy day, lunch with the boys after golf, naps, a lazy river boat ride, and more pool time… and of course more turtle hunts. 


swimming all by myself



Swimming with Grandma and Grandpa


I love my little Monkey!!!

Monday we couldn’t forget Sophia’s much anticipated trip to the beach and ocean… the lake.   She would stay down there for hours if she could… I just know she is going to be so much fun in Florida this year.


MMMM…. Pigtails and popsicles!


I don’t know why but I just adore this picture


we found a turtle on the beach


And I just love this picture too!


Playing in the ocean with Daddy


Running and skipping with Grandma



It was a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

16 weeks

16 weeks a

Pregnancy Highlights

How far along: 16 weeks

Size of baby: An avocado (my favorite thing to eat right now!!)

Total weight gain/loss: 2lbs

Maternity clothes: pants since I was 6 weeks pregnant, but still wearing my regular tops

Baby Gender: we find out JUNE 9th

Baby Name: get back to ya after we find out what we are having

Movement: more occasional flutters, but no real movement yet

What I miss: ENERGY

Cravings: avocados, milk

Symptoms: still super tired most of the time, but the nausea has finally subsided

Best moment this week: Sophia telling me that she is going to name the baby MAX because she is changing her name to Ruby so that she and her new baby can be like the Nickelodeon show Max and Ruby.  She just loves watching them and reading their books.  I also just love when she tells me that she needs to kiss her baby and she pulls up my shirt and hugs and kisses my belly… it is sooo precious.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mitchell Baby #2


Yes, that’s right!!!!  You read that correctly.  Sophia is going to be a big sister November 9, 2011. 

Now that the important information is out.  I just want to write about some important memories of this pregnancy so far.

Back at the end of February, I was starting to feel very sluggish, SUPER tired, VERY nauseous, and my clothes were getting VERY snug.  We had been trying for such a long time to conceive this time around that I thought for sure I was just getting sick and I need to start dieting AGAIN!  A couple of days before I missed my period, February 28th, I went ahead an took a pregnancy test, POSITIVE… still unsure, I took another one the following morning… POSITIVE again, and Zach wanting to be super sure, I took another one that night… POSITIVE.  I called my doctor the following day March 2nd and went in for blood work and a urine test… POSITIVE… YAY, YIPPEE we were thrilled.   My progesterone levels were a bit low, so they put me on a supplement to make sure that they stayed in the correct ranges for the first trimester.


We waited a couple of days to tell our parents.  My parents were out of town and I wanted to tell them in person.  So in the mean time… we told Sophia… she seemed to understand that there was a baby and she wanted to see its feet… so CUTE!  We also went out and got her a big sister shirt to wear when we told our parents.  She seemed to understand that she will be a big sister too.  Of course our parents and family are thrilled to be getting another grandbaby and niece or nephew.












We went to see Dr. Herzog over Spring Break.  I was 6 weeks and we got to see the first glimpse of our little bean sprout and hear the heart beat for the first time.  Everything was great.   Our little bean sprout had a good strong heartbeat, 111 bpm.


yep, that is the little sprout

At this point I was already wearing my maternity bottoms, but not having to wear any maternity tops yet.  Around 6 weeks I started to feel very nauseous and had a hard time getting through the afternoons and evenings.  Thankful I have a wonderful husband who took sweet Sophia to the park almost every afternoon so that I could take a power nap after school and he even took care of dinner almost every night.  It was also very helpful that Sophia was very understanding that “the baby” was making Mommy tired and she would come and sit with me and “rest” too.

Some of the great things from Sophia about her new baby… she definitely wants a little sister and NOT a little brother.  She gets angry and corrects me, Daddy and Grandma when we talk about the baby as if he is a boy.  She says, “No, it’s a girl.” 

We are hoping for a little boy this time around.  I have a feeling that it will be a boy, simply because this pregnancy is SOOO different than when I was pregnant with Sophia.  But of course we just want a happy, healthy baby that was a wonderful as Sophia.  AND… the Chinese calendar says we are having a boy… so we will be finding out, hopefully very soon.

I went back to see Dr. Herzog at 11 weeks.  Everything was perfect.  I was able to stop taking my progesterone supplement and we heard our little bean sprout’s heartbeat again, 169 bpm.  Nice and loud and strong!!

Our next appointment is May 25th… I am hoping for a sonogram, but I am not scheduled for one… keep your fingers crossed we just might get to find out what our little bean sprout is!!!