This weekend turned out to be jammed packed full of fun. Zach's mom's company had their family day at Six Flags, so we packed up and headed out to Six Flags. Yes, I know I can't ride the rides, but I was very supportive of Zach. Especially when it came to getting our photo taken with Batman... and don't forget on our way out, his favorite, Daffy Duck! I did however get lots of walking in for the weekend. Sophia even got a Wonder Woman
onesie to wear! Zach was very excited about it. After the full day of walking at Six Flags, I came home completely exhausted and was asleep at 9:15 on a Saturday night. I know.... lame, but at least I am getting plenty of sleep!

We woke up early on Sunday morning, 7:30! Crazy! We went out for breakfast and got a phone call from my friend Shawn and her husband and they invited us to the Cowboys game later that after noon. Zach was super excited, as was I since I have never been to a Cowboys game. So again we packed up and headed to their house to meet before the game and drive out together. We tailgated for a couple of hours, had a great hamburger (yes I am telling you about the food that I had since I was not par taking in the drinking festivities) We headed into the game to check out our seats. 50 yard line,
visitors side, rows 5 and 6... can I say AMAZING! I
couldn't believe how close we were. More food... Super Bowl Nachos!! Yummy. We had a great time
despite the fact that we lost to the Redskins. But I did get a ton of exercise in over the weekend, so I was recovering for the past two days, so it took me awhile to get this post up. Enjoy the pictures from our FABULOUS seats!