Sunday, December 28, 2008

First Photo Shoot

Sophia had her first photo shoot Friday December 19th while we were in the hospital. She had some really great photos taken. We got them in the mail yesterday, so I thought I would share them!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Daddy's First Feeding

Last night for Sophia's 1 am feeding, I decided that I was extremely exhausted so I pumped and got a bottle ready for Zach to feed Sophia for the first time. Then I headed back to bed to get some much needed sleep. It was great. Plus it gave Zach and Sophia some bonding time.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had an eventful two days full of Christmas festivities. We had Christmas Eve here at our house with my parents and brother, Zach's parents and his brother and grandmother. Then we had everyone over again on Christmas as well as the rest of Zach's extended family. My mom cooked, Zach's parents got a turkey, and his grandmother brought over a ham and several other sweets and such. We had a wonderful Christmas with all of our family. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by so many people that love us so much. I will say for being 9 days old Sophia is very very loved by all of her family. Here are a few pics from the festivities.

Sophia and her new hair bow!!
Maverick loving his new dog bone!
Zach dancing in his Grinch pj's, excited about his blue ray player!
Me and my brother just relaxing!
O Grand One (Grandpa) reading up on his toys!
My mom and Sophia in their camo!
Uncle Matthew (my brother) and Sophia in camo ( the camo outfit is from him)
Me, Sophia and Zach dressed in Christmas colors!
My cousin Jordan holding Sophia. He was very proud.
Uncle Matt (Zach's brother) and Sophia.
Grandma, Sophia, and O Grand One aka Grandpa. (my parents)
Charlie, Sophia, and Grandpa. (Zach's parents)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I week old


Today was a lazy day, which of course they all have been. I slept, I nursed, I slept, I ate, I nursed, I ate. See the pattern. I didn't get out of bed until lunch time, when my wonderful husband cooked us breakfast for lunch. Then I napped some more. My mom came over to bring groceries for the Christmas festivities that start tomorrow. Then I nursed and napped, and ate some more. My brother stopped by to play with Sophia, but she pretty much slept through that as well, but he still held and cuddled her while we all watched Batman. It was a great day. We truly are blessed.

Monday, December 22, 2008

3rd times a charm

Well our second baby monitor broke, after we decided to not use the baby motion monitor )the 1st monitor) we got a video monitor and had it all set up. The first night home the monitor stopped working in the middle of the night and luckily my mom was here as well so we had an extra set of hears. Yesterday Zach took back the video monitor and we finally decided to get a regular baby monitor. Hopefully it will work tonight (we couldnt use it last night due to charging issues)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome Sophia Marie Mitchell

On Monday December 15th Zach and I checked into the hospital at 5:00 pm. Once checked into our room, I was given cervidil to start the labor process. By 4 am on Tuesday I was starting to have irregular contractions, and was in some pain. My nurse called my doctor to give me pain medication and he told her to go ahead and give me my epidural then to start the pitocin that helps to make contractions regular. Might I say that the epidural is key to labor. It was fabulous. By 10 am I was 4-5 cm dialted and things were moving along great. At 12 pm I was 9 cm dialated, and the doctor was expecting her to come into the world within 2 hours. By 3 pm there was no change, however I was in more pain due to my little angel trying her hardest to meet her mommy and daddy. With there being no change the doctor checked me out and discovered that Sophia was not going to come through my pelvic bone, so a C-section was put on the books for 4:30. And of course we were bumped due to an emergency C-section.
We finally went into the delivery room at 5:32 and at 5:52 my beautiful, beautiful daughter was born 8 pounds 20.5 inches long. The anticpation of waiting to meet my daughter was more than I could have imagined. It was the best moment in my life. I heard my sweet baby cry, looked at Zach with tears in his eyes and we both began to cry. I watched as they cleaned my angel, weighed her, took her foot prints, and wrapped her up for Zach to hold and show me. Later back in our room I got to hold her for the first time. Then finally she got to meet the rest of her new family.
Tuesday night went well in the hospital, and on Wednesday the doctors told us that Sophia was jaundice and had to be put under lights. She stayed under the lights for 24 hours except for her feedings. Friday morning her numbers had gone down and she no longer needed to be kept under the lights. I was very happy that she did not have to stay under for too long. We decided to stay one more night in the hospital on Friday night. Saturday morning we were discharged and we got to go home with our angel.
I didn't think that I could love someone so much in just a short amount of time, but everytime I look at my daughter I love her more and more each time. I get teary eyed knowing that she is all mine. I also realize how much more I love my husband, I love watching him with his daughter, I love how is taking care of me, and I love how he loves me. I know that he will be a fabulous daddy, just like he is a wonderful husband. I have been truly blessed with my best friend, my husband, and our beautiful daughter. I also have a wonderful family that is helping support Zach and I while we begin our trip into parenthood. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift.
Here are some pictures from our stay in the hospital.

Monday, December 15, 2008

One last preggo picture

One last picture... 39 weeks 4 days. We are headed out to see the doctor and check into the hospital!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

On the books

YIPPEE!!! My favorite nurse, Cindy called me this morning to let me know that after my 4:30 appointment on Monday the 15th with Dr. Herzog I am scheduled at 5:00 to get Cervidil, to get me to start dialating, and stay over night in the hospital to then be induced at 8:00 on Tuesday the 16th. So if Sophia does not decide to come before next Tuesday we are scheduled for the 16th.
I am also looking forward to my friend Roxie and her husband coming over to hang out with us this weekend, hopefully it will help pass the time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We went back to the dr today to get checked out. Sophia's heartbeat is still right where it needs to be and everything checked out with me, except that I am still not dialated.... not even a sign that I have started to dialate. Dr. Herzog did not feel that I should get induced this week, to try and see if she will start to come on her own, plus there weren't any openings to schedule to induce me this week. Monday I go back at 4:30, his latest appt to have everything checked again, and the nurse is supposed to call and check to make sure they can get me on the books to induce on Tuesday December 16th. So keep Zach, Sophia and me in your thoughts and prayers that she will either decide to come early (so that I will not be miserably uncomfortable anymore) or at least they will be able to induce me on the 16th.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Well, I went back to the dr on Friday morning to have my sonogram, and now Sophia is estimated to weigh about 7 lbs 2 oz. She is still head down, but not completely all the way down. I was supposed to see Dr. Herzog, but he was in surgery so he couldn't see me to check to see if I had started to dialate yet. I got a little frustrated since I was not able to talk with him, and also since the nurse told me that they would have to reschedule my back up date of inducing me on the 15th because he already has too many that day.... so I had a bit of a mental break down as I left, but of course I called and talked to Zach and he calmed me back down.
My mom then proceeded to take me out shopping and get a pedicure. (I think in hopes of getting me walking a whole lot to start labor) I started to feel better emotionally but I am still feeling plenty of cramping and I am super uncomfortable.
I go back on Tuesday afternoon, very hopeful that we will be able to schedule a date to induce me if she has not come by then.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

No More Meds....

In order to make my doctor's appointment today I got up, showered, which is a whole process in itself. Rested. My mom came and brought me lunch, took me to her house to wait for a couple of hours until Zach could come and pick me up from there to make our 4:00 appointment with Dr. Herzog. My blood pressure was still good, Sophia's heart beat was strong, and I am still not dialated. So being 37 weeks and 5 days he decided to take my off my medication to stop the contractions in order for me to start dialating. He thinks that she is already big enough so for the next couple of days we wait. I go back to see him Friday morning to have a sonogram to check to see how big she actually is and she what position she is in. Then we will come up with another game plan!! So keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day

Here are a few pics from Thanksgiving at my parents lake house. I was allowed off the couch for too long, direct orders from my mom. Zach's parents and brother joined us as well. We had a very relaxing time at the lake. Zach got to play with my cousin, my bro, and his bro, as well as go fishing. He caught a 5 1/2 pound bass, my cousin got a great picture, but I don't have it, since I was on the couch or in the bed.
My mom and my brother brought in the fried Turkey to carve and the boys came in like vultures ready to eat it.
Getting frustrated... I am sure because everyone wanted a piece.
Watching and waiting.
Finally he got a piece.
And so did Matt (Zach's bro.) Maverick was waiting for a piece of the action too!
Later after eating and playing, Zach watching TV with Maverick and my 7 year old cousin, who was attached to Zach all weekend!!