Sunday, December 21, 2008

Welcome Sophia Marie Mitchell

On Monday December 15th Zach and I checked into the hospital at 5:00 pm. Once checked into our room, I was given cervidil to start the labor process. By 4 am on Tuesday I was starting to have irregular contractions, and was in some pain. My nurse called my doctor to give me pain medication and he told her to go ahead and give me my epidural then to start the pitocin that helps to make contractions regular. Might I say that the epidural is key to labor. It was fabulous. By 10 am I was 4-5 cm dialted and things were moving along great. At 12 pm I was 9 cm dialated, and the doctor was expecting her to come into the world within 2 hours. By 3 pm there was no change, however I was in more pain due to my little angel trying her hardest to meet her mommy and daddy. With there being no change the doctor checked me out and discovered that Sophia was not going to come through my pelvic bone, so a C-section was put on the books for 4:30. And of course we were bumped due to an emergency C-section.
We finally went into the delivery room at 5:32 and at 5:52 my beautiful, beautiful daughter was born 8 pounds 20.5 inches long. The anticpation of waiting to meet my daughter was more than I could have imagined. It was the best moment in my life. I heard my sweet baby cry, looked at Zach with tears in his eyes and we both began to cry. I watched as they cleaned my angel, weighed her, took her foot prints, and wrapped her up for Zach to hold and show me. Later back in our room I got to hold her for the first time. Then finally she got to meet the rest of her new family.
Tuesday night went well in the hospital, and on Wednesday the doctors told us that Sophia was jaundice and had to be put under lights. She stayed under the lights for 24 hours except for her feedings. Friday morning her numbers had gone down and she no longer needed to be kept under the lights. I was very happy that she did not have to stay under for too long. We decided to stay one more night in the hospital on Friday night. Saturday morning we were discharged and we got to go home with our angel.
I didn't think that I could love someone so much in just a short amount of time, but everytime I look at my daughter I love her more and more each time. I get teary eyed knowing that she is all mine. I also realize how much more I love my husband, I love watching him with his daughter, I love how is taking care of me, and I love how he loves me. I know that he will be a fabulous daddy, just like he is a wonderful husband. I have been truly blessed with my best friend, my husband, and our beautiful daughter. I also have a wonderful family that is helping support Zach and I while we begin our trip into parenthood. I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift.
Here are some pictures from our stay in the hospital.


Yomaida said...

Isn't she just a little joy! She is just beautiful. I love her in yellow! You will most definitely have a WONDERFUL Christmas! ye

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!! I am so happy for you both.She is beautiful!!! All those pictures brought back lots of memories! It seems so long ago. I know so many people say this but it goes really fast! I didn't believe it until now! Cherish every moment!! CONGRATS!!!

Paige and Jon Erickson said...

Yea! Congratualtions!!!!! She is absolutely precious! We can't wait to meet her in person :)

LeeAnn 'Ellebracht' Clawson said...

This just gave me tears in my eyes after reading it. I was thinking about how wonderful it will be to hear, see and hold my baby for the first time. Thanks again for sharing your blog with me! :o)