We had a very busy day today. We woke up late since it is Spring Break and Daddy is home with us and sad to say it is my last week at home with my sweet angel since I go back to work on Monday :(
We ran a whole bunch of errands with Grandma today, she is on Spring Break as well. We went to Central Market, Bed Bath and Beyond, Sears, Target, Michael's, and Tuesday Morning. We were very very busy. After wards we came home and had a little arts and craft session. You'll see below what we were creating!!
After arts and crafts we went to Jeremy and Roxie's for dinner since Patty, aka Pooh Bear, was in town picking up Amber and Reagan. Pooh Bear got to play with Sophia since she had not seen her since the hospital 3 months ago... and she got to give Sophia her fussy night time bottle.

- is a little rolly polly and seems very close to rolling over very soon
- loves talking to Mallory the Monkey... her favorite toy
- enjoys laying on the floor kicking like crazy
- has started reaching for objects
- is always searching for her right thumb or her left 4 fingers
- has moved from 6 feedings to 5 feedings
- sleeps from 8/8:30 pm to 6 am
- loves to sit up, of course with a little bit of help
- talks to herself and keeps herself entertained, which is fabulous!!
- So orginally Zach and I thought that we would be calling her Sophie.... however she just does not seem like a Sophie to us... we are sticking with SOPHIA, it just seems a bit weird to hear her being called Sophie... its funny how things are after having her (later in life friends might change that but to our family we are keeping with Sophia)
- Love bug
- Princess
- Angel face
- Angel
- Little Miss
- S
- Bugs (which is crazy since that is a nick name I had growing up)
- there are probably more but right now I can't think of anymore

So on Saturday after lunch with Roxie and Pam we went into this little baby shop in Richardson called the Little Lam and I found a super cute shopping cart/high chair cover, and Roxie got a very cute Rabbit and Piggy bank for Presley. They also had these super cute bow holders, however they were very expensive, so I decided to attempt to make my own, and I think it came out very cute. I also made one for Presley that is the same but black. If you are interested in making one let me know and I can give you the details.

Pooh Bear (Patty) Sophia and Reagan
1 comment:
She is BEUTIFUL! Jesse! Honestly she has the sweetest little face! I love that she's put on some little cheeks. :-) See you in a few.
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